May 11, 2014


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014"

Lilia: She has been begging to get her hair cut for the last few months.
Evan: Morning snuggles with Grammy before he is off to school. 

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms out there. This mother's day is going to be extra special this year. My mom came down to stay with the kids while I'm visiting Scott in .........PARIS. I've actually timed this post to show up today while I'm overseas. Before I left, I captured this moment with Evan and my mom. It is so special and beautiful. 
It will be weird not being with the kids on this day, but we can celebrate when I get back.
Thanks MOM for everything! I love you to the moon and back and couldn't have made this trip without you. 
Happy Mother's Day.


  1. Happy Mother's day to you! And sounds like it will be wonderful!!

  2. Love you! Can't wait to hear about the Parisian adventures. Awesome captures of Evan and your mom.
